HunterLab To Hsl

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From HunterLab to HSL

What is HunterLab, and Why Does it Matter?

HunterLab color space is a cornerstone in industries where color precision is non-negotiable. It is designed to mimic human color vision. It provides a smart way to measure small color differences. Other color models might miss these differences. HunterLab is not just about identifying color. It's about understanding color in the context of human vision. This makes it a vital tool for ensuring color quality and consistency. It's used in a range of applications, from automotive paints to food quality control.

How Does HunterLab Compare to HSL?

HunterLab focuses on accurate color in physical products. HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) is about digital color. Designers and digital artists favor HSL. It has an easy way to select and adjust colors. It's a model that allows easy conceptualization and tweaking of colors on a digital canvas. It's a staple in web design, graphic design, and digital art.

Why Convert HunterLab to HSL?

Digital Design Relevance: Converting HunterLab to HSL makes precise color measurements into a format useful in digital design. This lets designers use color specifications from real-world products.

Enhanced Creativity: Converting color measurements into the HSL space expands the palette for artists and designers. It comes from tangible sources and boosts creativity and innovation.

Seamless Integration: Moving from HunterLab to HSL has two benefits. It allows accurate color data to integrate into digital platforms. This ensures that physical products and digital versions match.

What is the Process for Converting HunterLab to HSL?

Step 1: Understand the Purpose

Recognizing the unique strengths of both HunterLab and HSL is crucial. HunterLab is great at physical color accuracy. HSL offers flexibility and intuitiveness in digital design.

Step 2: Step-by-Step HunterLab for Blue Colour - XYZ

Conversion begins with translating HunterLab measurements back into the XYZ color space. This step is vital as XYZ serves as a universal bridge between various color models, including both physical and digital realms.

To convert a blue color to XYZ values using the HunterLab color space, follow these steps:

1. Obtain the RGB values for the blue color you want to convert. Let's assume the RGB values are (0, 0, 255) for a pure blue color.

2. Convert the RGB values to tristimulus XYZ values using a conversion matrix. The conversion matrix depends on the specific RGB color space you're using (e.g., sRGB, Adobe RGB, etc.). For sRGB, the conversion matrix is:


 X    0.4124  0.3576  0.1805     R

 Y =  0.2126  0.7152  0.0722     G

 Z    0.0193  0.1192  0.9505     B


Substituting the RGB values (0, 0, 255) and multiplying the matrices, we get:

X = 0.0193

Y = 0.0722

Z = 0.9505

3. The XYZ values obtained in step 2 are based on the CIE XYZ color space with a D65 illuminant (standard daylight). We need to convert to the HunterLab color space. We do this by dividing by the tristimulus values of the perfect white reflector for the D65 illuminant. The reflector's values are X_n, Y_n, and Z_n.

X_n = 95.047

Y_n = 100.000

Z_n = 108.883

4. Calculate the HunterLab values using the following equations:

L = 100 * sqrt(Y/Y_n)

a = 175 * (X/X_n - Y/Y_n)

b = 70 * (Y/Y_n - Z/Z_n)

Substituting the values, we get:

L = 29.57 (Lightness)

a = 79.25 (Red-Green axis)

b = -107.86 (Yellow-Blue axis)

Therefore, the HunterLab values for the blue color (0, 0, 255) in the sRGB color space are:

L = 29.57

a = 79.25

b = -107.86

These values show the color's place in the HunterLab color space. L is for lightness, a is for the red-green axis, and b is for the yellow-blue axis.

Step 3: Step by Step XYZ to RGB for Blue Colour

After getting XYZ values, the next step is to convert them to RGB (Red, Green, Blue). RGB is a color model used in computer screens and digital media.

To convert XYZ tristimulus values to RGB values for a blue color, follow these steps:

Obtain the XYZ values for the blue color you want to convert. Let's assume the XYZ values are:

X = 0.0193

Y = 0.0722

Z = 0.9505

These values correspond to the pure blue color (0, 0, 255) in the sRGB color space.

The XYZ values are based on the D65 illuminant (standard daylight). To convert them to linear RGB values, we need to use the inverse of the conversion matrix from step 2 in the previous example:

R     3.2406 -1.5372 -0.4986     X

 G =  -0.9689  1.8758  0.0415     Y

 B     0.0557 -0.2040  1.0570     Z

Substituting the XYZ values and multiplying the matrices, we get:

R = 0.0000

G = 0.0000

B = 1.0000

These are the linear RGB values.

To obtain the non-linear sRGB values, which are typically used for display purposes, we need to apply a gamma correction:

if R_linear <= 0.0031308

    R_sRGB = 12.92 * R_linear


    R_sRGB = 1.055 * R_linear^(1/2.4) - 0.055

 if G_linear <= 0.0031308

    G_sRGB = 12.92 * G_linear


    G_sRGB = 1.055 * G_linear^(1/2.4) - 0.055


if B_linear <= 0.0031308

    B_sRGB = 12.92 * B_linear


    B_sRGB = 1.055 * B_linear^(1/2.4) - 0.055

Applying the gamma correction, we get:

R_sRGB = 0.0000

G_sRGB = 0.0000

B_sRGB = 1.0000

 Finally, we need to clamp the RGB values to the range [0, 1] and convert them to the integer range [0, 255]:

R = round(0.0000 * 255) = 0

G = round(0.0000 * 255) = 0

B = round(1.0000 * 255) = 255

Therefore, the RGB values for the blue color with the given XYZ tristimulus values are:

R = 0

G = 0

B = 255

These values represent the pure blue color in the sRGB color space.

Step 4: Step by Step RGB to HSL for Blue Colour

Finally, we convert the RGB values into HSL. This involves converting the hue, saturation, and lightness to match the original HunterLab color. They are for digital design and web development.

To convert an RGB color to HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) for a blue color, follow these steps:

1.Obtain the RGB values for the blue color you want to convert. Let's assume the RGB values are:

R = 0 G = 0 B = 255

2.Normalize the RGB values to the range [0, 1] by dividing them by 255:

R' = 0 / 255 = 0 G' = 0 / 255 = 0 B' = 255 / 255 = 1

3.Find the maximum and minimum values among the normalized RGB values:

max = 1 (B') min = 0 (R' and G')

4.Calculate the Lightness (L) using the formula:

L = (max + min) / 2

Substituting the values: L = (1 + 0) / 2 = 0.5

5.Calculate the Saturation (S) using the formula:

If max = min, then S = 0 Otherwise, S = (max - min) / (1 - abs(2 * L - 1))

Substituting the values: S = (1 - 0) / (1 - abs(2 * 0.5 - 1)) S = 1 / 1 S = 1

6.Calculate the Hue (H) using the formula:

If max = min, then H = 0 Otherwise, H = 60 * (((max - B') / (max - min)) mod 6)

Substituting the values: H = 60 (((1 - 1) / (1 - 0)) mod 6) H = 60 (0 mod 6) H = 60 * 0 H = 0

7.Convert the Hue (H) to the range [0, 360] degrees:

H = 0 / 360 * 360 = 0 degrees

Therefore, the HSL values for the blue color (0, 0, 255) are:

H = 0° (Hue) S = 100% (Saturation) L = 50% (Lightness)

These values show the color's place in the HSL color space. H is the hue angle on the color wheel. S is the saturation (intensity or purity). And L is the lightness (brightness or luminance).

What are the Challenges in Conversion?

Color Fidelity: Keeping the converted colors true to the original HunterLab measurements is hard. This is due to differences in how color models interpret and represent colors.

Technical Knowledge: The process requires understanding color theory and the math behind color models.

How Can This Conversion Enhance Digital Design?

Converting HunterLab to HSL helps digital designers use real-world colors. These colors have been accurately measured. This ensures that their digital creations can be made in the real world with high fidelity. This mixing of color spaces enriches digital design. It adds a wider, truer color palette. It boosts creative options and makes digital and physical outputs match.

What Are the Applications of HSL in Digital Design?

HSL's simple way of manipulating color makes it great for web design, graphic design, and digital art. It's used to make visually engaging and harmonious color schemes. Its widespread use in CSS, HTML, and image editing software underscores its importance in the digital design ecosystem.

The journey from HunterLab to HSL is a bridge. It connects the accuracy of physical colors to the creativity of digital design. This change makes colors more consistent across industries. It also enriches digital design with a wider, more precise color palette. Using these color spaces well ensures that products meet design and consumer expectations. They embody the perfect balance between accuracy and creativity.

 HunterLab to HSL 25 Popular Colour Chart

Color Preview Color Name HunterLab HSL
  Red L: 46.12
a: 78.94
b: 29.80
H: 0°
S: 100%
L: 50%
  Green L: 39.12
a: -33.55
b: 23.52
H: 120°
S: 100%
L: 25%
  Blue L: 26.87
a: 72.87
b: -190.92
H: 240°
S: 100%
L: 50%
  Yellow L: 96.32
a: -25.87
b: 58.90
H: 60°
S: 100%
L: 50%
  Cyan L: 88.73
a: -47.05
b: -9.35
H: 180°
S: 100%
L: 50%
  Magenta L: 53.37
a: 104.89
b: -70.36
H: 300°
S: 100%
L: 50%
  Orange L: 60.48
a: 38.49
b: 37.94
H: 30°
S: 100%
L: 50%
  Lime L: 84.57
a: -72.52
b: 50.84
H: 120°
S: 100%
L: 50%
  Navy L: 12.43
a: 33.71
b: -88.33
H: 240°
S: 100%
L: 25%
  Teal L: 41.05
a: -21.77
b: -4.33
H: 180°
S: 100%
L: 25%
  Purple L: 24.69
a: 48.53
b: -32.55
H: 300°
S: 100%
L: 25%
  Maroon L: 21.34
a: 36.52
b: 13.78
H: 0°
S: 100%
L: 25%
  Mint L: 90.91
a: -41.70
b: 18.04
H: 150°
S: 100%
L: 80%
  Coral L: 61.05
a: 40.69
b: 30.65
H: 16°
S: 100%
L: 66%
  Salmon L: 60.33
a: 41.66
b: 22.76
H: 6°
S: 93%
L: 71%
  Violet L: 63.33
a: 54.10
b: -35.64
H: 300°
S: 76%
L: 72%
  Pink L: 80.07
a: 19.01
b: 7.38
H: 350°
S: 100%
L: 88%
  Gold L: 84.12
a: -7.17
b: 51.71
H: 51°
S: 100%
L: 50%
  Beige L: 94.74
a: -9.33
b: 16.20
H: 60°
S: 56%
L: 91%
  Lavender L: 69.90
a: 17.78
b: -23.02
H: 270°
S: 60%
L: 80%
  Brown L: 31.66
a: 40.81
b: 15.97
H: 0°
S: 59%
L: 41%
  Grey L: 46.26
a: -2.47
b: 2.52
H: 0°
S: 0%
L: 50%
  Ivory L: 99.09
a: -10.36
b: 18.52
H: 60°
S: 100%
L: 94%
  Tan L: 69.73
a: 0.98
b: 21.50
H: 34°
S: 44%
L: 69%

#HunterLab #HSL #color conversion #digital design

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