Pregnancy Week Calculator

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Carrying a child and bringing a new life into this world is one of the most profound experiences a woman can have. Pregnancy leads expectant mothers on an incredible 9-month journey as their bodies nurture the tiny embryo that will become their baby.

It all begins when sperm fertilizes the egg, forming a zygote that implants in the uterine lining and starts rapidly dividing. Even in these earliest stages, a rollercoaster of pregnancy symptoms emerges, from fatigue and morning sickness to intense cravings and mood swings. Regular doctor visits help monitor both mother and baby as the baby grows during the three trimesters.

Staying healthy with good nutrition, appropriate exercise, and rest becomes so important during this time. Mothers feel their bond strengthen as they experience their baby's fluttering first movements. Ultrasounds allow amazing glimpses of the little one before they finally arrive after 40 weeks. Click here for more information about pregnancy and ultrasound.

Labor and delivery mark an emotional pinnacle when mothers get to hold the tiny life they carried for so long. Now the real work begins during the postpartum period as mothers recover and embrace their role caring for their precious newborn. It's crucial they have support from loved ones and doctors during this transition.

Though not always easy, pregnancy enables women to experience amazing transformations. The ride is filled with anticipation, joy and wonder as mothers prepare to welcome their child into the world and into their lives forever. Click here for more information about contractions during pregnancy.

Benefits of Using Pregnancy Week

Using a pregnancy week calculator offers many benefits for expecting parents and medical providers alike. Tracking your pregnancy week-by-week provides insights into your baby's growth, when to expect appointments and tests, and how to mentally prep for labor and delivery. Click here for Ideal Baby Weight Calculator.

Some of the top advantages include:

- Getting a more accurate due date based on your last menstrual period or conception date. This allows better planning.

- Monitoring your baby's developmental milestones week-by-week. You'll know what physical changes are happening from embryos to newborns.

- Understanding what trimester you're in and what to expect. Each of the three pregnancy trimesters lasts about 13 weeks with differentsymptoms and changes.

- Planning prenatal appointments and tests more effectively based on your gestational age. Your doctor will schedulescreenings and monitoring based on how far along you are.

- Easing anxiety and stress by demystifying the process. Knowing more about what's happening and when provides a sense of control.

- Preparing mentally and practically for childbirth and hospital stays. You can get your birth plan and baby room ready.

- Providing educational tips and info on fetal development. Pregnancy apps feature tons of useful facts on your week-by-week journey.

- Allowing doctors to better track pregnancy progression and spot any issues. Your provider can compare your weeks to average growth.

While every pregnancy differs, pregnancy week calculators offer a helpful estimate timeline. But be sure to consult your doctor about any specific concerns or variations. Click here for Ideal Baby Height Calculator.

Pregnancy Week by Week

1-2 Weeks of Pregnancy

The awe-inspiring journey of pregnancy begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg, a moment known as conception. This microscopic union occurs approximately two weeks after the start of a woman's last period, as her body releases a mature egg down the fallopian tube where it can be met by sperm.

Since the exact date of fertilization is often unknown, healthcare providers rely on the first day of the last menstrual cycle, called the LMP, to determine how far along a pregnancy is. They count pregnancy from that day even though true conception happens around the two-week mark.

It's incredible to think such a tiny beginning sets off a cascading series of events. Over the next nine months, that fertilized egg, now an embryo, will implant in the uterine lining and develop into a fetus, soon to be a newborn baby. Mothers experience amazing physical and emotional changes during the process, forging an unbreakable bond with the new life growing inside them.

3-4 Weeks of Pregnancy

After conception occurs, the newly fertilized egg begins an incredible journey down the fallopian tube on its way to nestling into the uterus. Once implanted in the rich uterine lining, this bundle of cells, now considered an embryo, can continue developing into a baby.

The uterus provides a nurturing environment for the embryo to grow within a protective amniotic sac filled with fluid. An intricate lifeline called the placenta also forms, attaching the embryo to the uterine wall. This amazing organ supplies nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus via the umbilical cord.

The placenta is a temporary but vital support system that allows the fetus to thrive and undergo the complex transformations that turn it from an embryo into a fully-formed newborn with ten fingers, ten toes, and a heartbeat. Over 40weeks, mothers will feel their fetus moving and kicking as it readies to exit the womb and greet the outside world. The uterus, placenta and umbilical cord provide everything needed for a smooth journey.

5 Weeks of Pregnancy

The neural tube, which will become the brain, spinal cord and backbone, forms to begin shaping the anatomy. At the same time, tiny buds emerge that will soon become identifiable arms and legs.

The tiny heart also begins beating, one of the earliest signs of life. Seeing this flutter on an ultrasound for the first time creates an emotional milestone for expecting parents. Though still extremely small, all major organs like the heart and lungs have started developing in preparation for the baby's continued growth.

Even at this early stage, the foundations are being laid for the invisible bond between mother and child. Mothers may not yet feel kicking, but hormonal changes create deepening attachment. There is no greater miracle than the intricate process slowly transforming a cluster of cells into a fully-formed baby with ten fingers, ten toes and a heartbeat.

6 Weeks of Pregnancy

The embryonic heart now beats at an astounding 105 times per minute, circulating life-sustaining blood throughout the developing body. The tiny arms and legs continue growing longer, hands and feet beginning to form. Facial features like the mouth and nose become visible as the face takes shape. The ears also start developing in this incredible time of transformation.

For expectant mothers, these 6 weeks mark profound changes as well. They may hear their baby's rapid heartbeat at prenatal appointments, cementing the bond between parent and child. While still tiny, the little life is progressing right on schedule, soon to enter the fetal stage. Mothers love gazing at ultrasounds, marveling at the amazing growth happening within them. It's a surreal and exciting time as mothers realize they're nourishing a future son or daughter.

7 Weeks of Pregnancy

At this stage, the baby's tiny bones begin forming but remain soft and pliable. They will harden over the coming weeks as skeletal development continues. Eyelids now cover the eyes, though they remain fused shut to protect the developing eyes underneath. The baby's genitals also start to form, allowing doctors to see via ultrasound whether the fetus is male or female.

All these milestones create excitement for expectant parents as they get glimpses into who their future son or daughter will become. Seeing their baby yawn or stretch on an ultrasound makes the experience more real. The weeks fly by as the embryo transforms into a fetus with recognizable features. But the hardest task still lies ahead - nurturing the fetus as it grows bigger and stronger in preparation for birth. The mother's role providing a healthy, protective environment is essential to bringing new life into the world.

8 Weeks of Pregnancy

At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus continues developing all of its major organs and body systems that will be vital for life outside the womb. The intricate placenta works tirelessly to provide oxygen and nutrition that allows amazing growth to occur.

The fetus is now complete with ten fingers, ten toes, and facial features that resemble Mom and Dad. Movements grow stronger as the baby stretches and kicks inside the protective amniotic sac. For the mother, feelings of connection deepen as her body changes to accommodate the child and prepare for delivery day.

Though still months away, the big day lingers on the minds of expectant parents. But for now, they can relax knowing the placenta is doing its important job keeping the fetus healthy and growing. With major milestones past, the pregnancy progresses smoothly towards meeting baby for the first time.

9 Weeks of Pregnancy

At this stage of fetal development, tiny buds emerge in the gums that are the beginnings of the baby's future teeth. These little tooth buds are preparing for after birth when the teeth will erupt through the gums to aid eating and chewing. It's incredible to think this tiny human is now around half an inch long from head to toe!

For the mother, the halfway point of pregnancy is drawing closer as the baby bump grows more pronounced. She feels her baby's movements becoming stronger and more energetic. Ultrasounds reveal a fully formed little person with familiar family features. The parents might see their baby sucking their thumb or waving their arms as they float in the amniotic sea.

Each new milestone and glimpse of their child builds eager anticipation for the parents. But for now, they can bask in the joy of nurturing new life and watching their baby thrive in the safe haven of the womb. The magical journey continues new discoveries every day as the parents bond with their future son or daughter.

10 Weeks of Pregnancy

The marvelous fetus continues developing more distinct features that resemble a newborn baby. The tiny hands and feet now have discernible fingers and toes, complete with tiny nail buds. Seeing these minuscule human features on an ultrasound creates a surge of emotion and connection for the parents.

Another milestone this week is being able to hear the rapid fetal heartbeat during a prenatal checkup. For the mother, this fluttering sound cements the reality that her baby is alive and thriving inside her. She feels profound attachment to the little life she's nurturing and protecting.

The weeks seem to quicken as the first trimester nears its end. There is still much development ahead, but the major organs and body systems are fully formed in this little miracle. The mother focuses on staying healthy as her body fuels the fetus' growth spurt. An incredible transformation has taken place, but the parents know the best is yet to come.

11 Weeks of Pregnancy

At this stage of pregnancy, the baby's delicate bones begin to transition from soft cartilage to hardened bone, gaining strength to prepare for the world outside the womb. The skin is thin and almost transparent for now, but will thicken as fat accumulates underneath. Remarkably, the head still accounts for about half of the baby's total size.

Inside the womb, the fetus floats and rolls with increasing vigor. The mother bonds with her active baby by feeling these powerful kicks and strokes. She marvels at the ultrasound images that clearly show the baby's profile, fingers and toes and beating heart. 

Soon the second trimester arrives and important developments are consolidated. The fetus now focuses on gaining size and weight, which will be crucial after birth. The mother's role in nurturing this miraculous transformation deepens as parents eagerly count down to finally meet their son or daughter face to face.

12 Weeks of Pregnancy

At this stage of pregnancy, the baby's hands and fingers are developing more rapidly than the feet and toes. The tiny human moves frequently within the uterine confines, but the mother likely can't feel the gentle motions yet. Ultrasounds reveal a very active little one already exploring movement and kicking. Now approximately two inches long, the fetus only weighs about half an ounce, but rapid growth lies ahead.

For expectant mothers, this period represents a time of transition. As the first trimester wraps up, the riskiest developmental phase is complete. Mothers find relief in each healthy ultrasound and milestone. Now they look toward the second trimester as their bodies expand and morning sickness fades. The real wonderment arrives when those first flutters feel like the pitter patter of little feet. The fetus' movements grow stronger in the coming weeks as parents bond deeply with their growing baby.

13 Weeks of Pregnancy

The start of the second trimester marks a major milestone! The risks of the earliest developmental stages are past and the fetus is now growing at a rapid rate. All of the major organs are fully formed and maturing in preparation for functioning after birth. Ultrasounds reveal astonishing development, with the baby appearing to breathe and swallow amniotic fluid.

Of course, true breathing can't occur until after delivery. But these movements exercise the lungs in preparation for that first breath. For expectant mothers, feelings of relief and joy set in as the halfway point approaches. Their bodies adapt to the ongoing physical changes while energy levels rise again. They sense their growing baby's increasing strength through rolls, kicks and stretches. An unbreakable bond has formed between mother and child.

14 Weeks of Pregnancy

The second trimester marks immense leaps in development for the growing fetus. The eyes begin moving beneath closed lids and the nose and taste buds continue maturing. Hair follicles take root under the skin in preparation for newborn peach fuzz. The fetus' grasp reflex emerges as hands clench then find their way to the mouth for sucking and comfort.

These reflexes and movements prepare baby for life outside the womb. The skin grows thicker while fat builds underneath, keeping baby warm after birth. For the expectant mother, sensations of fluttering and rolling intensify as the fetus gains strength. Ultrasound images clearly capture the amazing child in motion. The pregnancy is gliding along smoothly with the biggest test of endurance still ahead - the final lap leading to delivery day. But for now, parents simply enjoy bonding with their bouncing bundle of joy.

15 Weeks of Pregnancy

The second trimester is an exciting time as the fetus becomes extremely active within the womb. Frequent flips, rolls and kicks might even be visible from the outside as the baby stretches and bounces around the uterine space. Many mothers feel the first incredible flutters around this time, bringing joy and connection.

Imaging tests like ultrasounds reveal astonishing development occurring. The strengthening bones may be visible beneath thinning skin. The kidneys now produce urine, which baby drinks or releases into the amniotic fluid. The heart steadily circulates nutrients and oxygen to nourish growth.

For parents, this period represents a time of wonderment and anticipation. Bonding strengthens as they observe their lively little one thriving in the ideal prenatal environment. Though many milestones remain before holding baby in their arms, the most suspenseful phase of pregnancy is past. Now they can relax and enjoy the journey as their child develops the abilities needed for the outside world.

16 Weeks of Pregnancy

The upper lip and eyelids are fully formed, while the ears develop internally and externally. These milestones prepare the baby to use its senses after birth. Remarkably, hearing is now possible and the fetus reacts to sounds.

This creates opportunities for parents to bond with their baby by talking, reading or singing. Feeling these energetic kicks in response creates an incredible bond. At about 5 inches long and weighing 5 ounces, the fetus still has a lot of growing to do, but all the major parts are complete.

For expectant mothers, this stage brings a deeper attachment as their child goes from being an abstract concept to looking like a real person. They dream of holding and caring for the baby beyond the womb. Even though the birth is only a few months away, they are filled with optimism, knowing that their baby has reached every milestone so far in their developmental journey.

17 Weeks of Pregnancy

This healthy baby fat will act as both an energy reserve and insulation to keep the newborn warm after birth. The fetus also develops a waxy, oily coating on the skin called vernix caseosa. This vernix acts as a waterproof barrier that protects the delicate fetal skin from the amniotic fluid.

For expectant mothers, this stage often brings a "glowing" phase with renewed energy and less nausea. As her belly becomes rounder, the mother can start using lotions and oils to keep her expanding skin elastic and nourished. She begins to focus on increasing calories to help her baby gain weight. Proper nutrition and self-care now ensure that the fetus grows into a thriving newborn ready for the outside world. They are just a few months away from finally meeting their son or daughter!

18 Weeks of Pregnancy

You've reached an exciting milestone at 18 weeks pregnant. This is when many expectant mothers schedule their first ultrasound appointment. An ultrasound allows you to see your developing baby for the first time. Let your healthcare provider know ahead of time if you want to find out your baby's gender during the ultrasound, or prefer to be surprised.

At 18 weeks, your baby is starting to develop sleep cycles, waking and sleeping throughout the day. Loud noises and mom's movements can disrupt your baby's sleep. Your baby's skin is covered with fine, downy hair called lanugo that helps regulate body temperature in the womb.

Schedule your 18 week ultrasound for an amazing first look at your growing baby. Understand your baby's development and sleep cycles at this stage. Learn about lanugo and how it keeps your baby warm.

19 Weeks of Pregnancy

At 19 weeks pregnant, your baby's kicks and movements become much stronger. If you thought you felt movement before, now it will undeniably be your little baby wiggling and kicking in the womb.

Your baby is also developing a sucking reflex this week, an important milestone as you prepare for feeding after birth. Some babies can even be seen sucking their thumbs on ultrasound. Watch for your baby's strengthening movements and kicks. Pay attention to when you feel the first strong wiggle. Look for thumb sucking at your 19-week ultrasound for a cute look at your baby's development.


- Stronger baby kicks felt at 19 weeks

- The baby develops a sucking reflex and can suck its thumb

- The importance of the sucking reflex for feeding after birth

- Check for thumb sucking at the 19th week ultrasound

20 Weeks of Pregnancy

His little fingernails are growing and now extend to his fingertips. He is about 10 inches long from head to buttocks and weighs about 1 pound.

Although still small, your baby has made a lot of progress developmentally in the last few months. All her major organs have formed and are beginning to function. He can hear sounds and is becoming more active with kicks and stretches. From time to time you can even feel him hiccup!

This halfway point is a big milestone. Schedule your 20-week ultrasound to see your baby's development and find out the sex if you want. Witnessing little hands, feet, fingers and toes on the ultrasound screen makes everything seem more real. Track your baby's nail growth and monitor its size and weight during this exciting stage!

21 Weeks of Pregnancy

Your baby's development continues to amaze as she becomes more and more fit and active. This week, her tiny fingers and toes are fully developed, right down to the unique fingerprints and toe prints she will have for life. Another new milestone is that your baby can now swallow amniotic fluid. You may even feel him hiccup occasionally as he practices this new skill. These hiccups can feel like small, rhythmic movements against your tummy. It's amazing to think that your baby is already developing basic skills like swallowing and developing distinctive features like fingerprints. Each new development brings him closer to being ready for the outside world.

22 Weeks of Pregnancy

At 22 weeks pregnant, your baby's development continues to focus on her senses. Even though her eyelids remain fused shut, her eyes underneath are moving and developing. The tear ducts in her eyes are starting to form as well. Other new developments this week include the appearance of eyebrows above her eyes. As her hearing matures, your baby may startle or move suddenly in response to loud noises coming from outside the womb. It's fascinating to think she is already reacting to and exploring the world around her, even from inside the womb. Her reactions to sounds show how rapidly her senses are developing. Each little movement and milestone is preparing her for life after birth.

23 Weeks of Pregnancy

Your baby's hearing continues to improve every day. One of the most surprising developments this week is that he can now recognize some sounds, especially his parents' voices. When you talk to your baby, you may feel it move or react because it is familiar with your voice. Taking time to talk or read aloud to your tummy allows your baby to hear you regularly and tune in to your voice. He or she is already learning to communicate and connect with you in the womb. Her recognizable reactions to you show how fast her auditory and neurological development is progressing. Each new milestone brings the two of you closer and prepares her to meet you face to face after birth.

24 Weeks of Pregnancy

At 24 weeks pregnant, your baby is nearing the end of the second trimester as her development continues to progress at a rapid pace. This week marks growth for her muscles, which are getting stronger in preparation for life outside the womb. You may also notice the beginnings of hair growth on her head if you get an ultrasound image. While her lungs are now fully formed, she is still not ready to breathe on her own yet. Your baby is about 12 inches long now and likely weighs over 1 pound. Her size and weight are right on track for 24 weeks gestation. It’s amazing to think she will continue to grow exponentially during the third trimester. Her little body is gearing up for survival after birth as milestones like muscle growth, hair, and lung development all help prepare her for the outside world.

25 Weeks of Pregnancy

25 weeks is an important milestone - the beginning of the third and last trimester! Your baby's rapid development continues this week, especially in the nervous system. The brain, spinal cord and nerves are growing and connecting, allowing your baby to move, think and feel more consciously. Additional fat is also being added under the skin, giving it a smoother, less wrinkled appearance. It's amazing to think that as your baby's nervous system matures, they are already developing abilities such as purposeful movement and sensory perception. Each week she becomes more active and her responses more coordinated. The third trimester brings continued growth and maturation to prepare for development after birth. Reaching this exciting trimester means you have reached the end of your pregnancy journey!

26 Weeks of Pregnancy

She focuses on preparing her body for life after birth. An important milestone is that her body starts to produce melanin, which will give her skin color and also protect her from sun damage after she is born. Your baby's lungs are also maturing rapidly. They begin to produce a special substance called surfactant, which will help their lungs to inflate and deflate easily when they start breathing air. It's amazing to think that at this stage of pregnancy your baby is already setting up essential functions such as healthy lung function and skin protection. Her little body is on the right track, gaining the skills she will need not only to survive after birth, but also to thrive in the outside world. Every week brings her a little closer to being ready for birth!

27 Weeks of Pregnancy

Your baby stays active inside your uterus with lots of kicks, stretches and movements. All this exercise helps to strengthen their developing muscles and promotes healthy growth. In addition to its active movements, your baby's lungs and nervous system continue to mature. His small lungs are producing more surfactants, preparing him to breathe air independently after birth. His brain and nerves continue to develop connections, allowing his movements and reactions to become more coordinated. It is amazing to feel your baby's frequent kicks and know that its constant movement serves an important developmental purpose. His activity levels, lung function and neurological growth are on track for 27 weeks gestation. Before you know it, those kicks and stretches will be happening outside!

28 Weeks of Pregnancy

Your baby's development is focused on her senses and physical growth. One exciting milestone is that she now has visible eyelashes above her developing eyes. Her eyes have also matured enough that she can open and close them. Being able to control her eyelids helps her eyes develop properly and prepares her vision for the outside world. In terms of growth, your baby measures about 14 inches long and weighs approximately 2 1⁄2 pounds this week. Her size and weight are right on track for 28 weeks gestation. It's amazing to think your baby is already practicing using her eyes and growing nearer to her birth size and weight. These developments are signs of a healthy, thriving baby as you enter the final stretch of pregnancy.

29 Weeks of Pregnancy

Your baby is starting a growth spurt that will last until the end of your pregnancy. Over the next 2 1⁄2 months, he will gain about half his birth weight. This rapid weight gain helps your baby build up the fat and muscle it needs to develop outside. Eating plenty of nutritious food in the third trimester provides the vitamins, minerals and energy your baby needs to support exponential growth. Focus on getting nutrients such as protein, calcium, iron and omega-3s. It is also important to stay hydrated as your blood volume increases to feed your growing baby. With the right nutrition, your baby will gain the healthy weight it needs before birth. This growth spurt is a sign that your little body is preparing for survival and success after birth!

30 Weeks of Pregnancy

Your baby is shedding the fine, downy hair called lanugo that used to cover its whole body. The lanugo helped your baby stay warm in the womb, but it is no longer needed because it has added insulating oil under its skin. As the lanugo disappears, the hair on your baby's head becomes more visible and loose. The hair on the head acts as insulation to help regulate body temperature after birth. An ultrasound at this stage will probably show not only less lanugo, but also a beautiful head of hair if your baby will be born with a full head! It is exciting to see your baby losing its fetal coverings and gaining more mature features such as thick head hair. These developments mean that your baby is on schedule in the third trimester.

31 Weeks of Pregnancy

You are 31 weeks pregnant and your baby's brain development is in full swing! Her brain is rapidly developing new connections and pathways that allow it to regulate basic bodily processes. An important milestone is that his brain can now help control body temperature. This temperature regulation will be very important after birth when your baby is no longer protected in your warm womb. He will rely on his matured brain functions to keep his body temperature within the normal range outside. It is amazing to think that your baby's neurological development has progressed so far that his or her brain can carry out such complex processes smoothly. The coming weeks will see even more growth and maturation of your baby's brain as it prepares to live on its own after birth.

32 Weeks of Pregnancy

Your baby continues to grow rapidly and take on a fuller, newborn appearance. His skin becomes less transparent and see-through as he adds layers of fat under his skin for insulation and nutrition. Your baby is now about 18 inches long and weighs about 5 pounds. His height and weight are right on target for 32 weeks gestation. It is exciting to see that your baby is storing the appropriate amount of fat and that his or her skin has a plump, firm appearance as a result. This healthy fat is a very important protection after birth and shows that your baby is maturing exactly on schedule. He will soon have the ideal amount of fat and body mass to regulate temperature, maintain breastfeeding and thrive in the first days of his life.

33 Weeks of Pregnancy

As you approach your due date in your 33rd week of pregnancy, your baby continues to grow and put on weight. During these final weeks, your little one will gain around half a pound per week as she prepares for her arrival into the world. It's an exciting time watching your belly expand and feeling those tiny kicks and punches inside. Make sure to stay hydrated, get as much rest as possible, and soak up these last special weeks with your bump before meeting your new addition.

34 Weeks of Pregnancy

At 34 weeks pregnant, your baby's vernix caseosa, the protective waxy coating on their skin, will thicken. This helps protect their delicate skin while floating in the amniotic fluid. Around this time, your baby will likely move into the head-down position in preparation for birth. This important milestone is called lightening, and signals that your baby is getting ready for their journey through the birth canal. Some babies settle into position a bit earlier or later. Keep an eye out for those little knees and elbows poking your sides, as your baby settles into the optimal position for delivery. It's an exciting time as your due date draws nearer and your baby makes final preparations for their arrival earthside.

35 Weeks of Pregnancy

Your baby's brain and lungs are still maturing. Their brain weighs about two-thirds of what it will be at full term. It is best to let labor start naturally if possible. Planning an earlier birth or caesarean section before you reach 39 weeks should only be for medical necessity. This allows critical development to continue for as long as possible. You can be sure that your medical team will monitor you and your baby closely and only recommend early delivery if you have concerns. Otherwise, let your little baby stay a little more comfortable in the womb to give it more time to absorb nutrients and for its lungs and brain to develop. The last weeks of pregnancy fly by, try to relax and stay calm as your body prepares for the big day!

36 Weeks of Pregnancy

At 36 weeks pregnant, space is getting tight in your womb for your growing baby! While they don't have much room left for big movements like rolls and flips, you'll still feel them squirming, kicking, and stretching. Take note if you notice any changes in their normal activity patterns. Give your healthcare provider a call right away if you have any concerns about decreased movement. By now, your baby is around 6 to 7 pounds. It's hard to believe how much they've grown! Take time to relax and connect with your little one as you both prepare for the big delivery day. The incredible milestone of meeting your baby is just around the corner at full term. Enjoy these final special weeks of pregnancy!

37 Weeks of Pregnancy

You've made it to 37 weeks pregnant - just a couple more until full term! Your baby's important organs like their brain, lungs and liver are still developing and maturing. They are also continuing to gain weight in these final weeks. If your pregnancy has been healthy, it's recommended to stay pregnant until at least 39 weeks so your baby can receive the full benefits of growing in utero. Elective deliveries scheduled before 39 weeks should only be for medical necessity. Your medical team will monitor you and baby closely and help decide if earlier delivery is needed. Otherwise, hang in there and let your little one soak up the nourishment and nurturing of your womb. Take care of yourself as you await the big arrival of your bundle of joy in just a couple more weeks!

38 Weeks of Pregnancy

At 38 weeks pregnant, the home stretch is in sight! Your baby's brain, liver, and lungs are still developing and maturing in these final weeks. As your baby continues to grow in size, it's normal to feel some discomfort and pressure. Try to hang in there - the end is close! If your pregnancy has been healthy so far, it's best to allow labor to begin naturally. This allows your baby the full 40 weeks in utero to receive the benefits of all the nutrients and nourishment you provide. Your medical team will let you know if there is any medical need to deliver early. Otherwise, enjoy spending time connecting with your baby as you anxiously await the start of labor and meeting your little one soon!

39 Weeks of Pregnancy

Hooray, you've hit 39 weeks pregnant - full term! What an incredible milestone. Your baby is now considered fully developed and ready for birth whenever he or she decides it's time. Try to relax as you await the spontaneous onset of labor - your baby will let you know when they're ready to make their grand entrance! Make sure to call your healthcare provider when you think labor is starting so they can confirm and support you through the process. Now is the time to ensure your hospital bag is packed and your birth plan is in place. The moment you've been waiting for all these months will be here before you know it. Get ready to meet your little one!

40 Weeks of Pregnancy

Hooray, you've made it to 40 weeks pregnant - your due date! Congratulations on nurturing your baby through a full term pregnancy. Your little one is now considered full developed and ready for their arrival. All of their important organs like their brain, lungs and liver have had time to mature. Your baby has also reached a healthy size, measuring around 18-20 inches long and weighing approximately 6 to 9 pounds. Try to be patient as you await the start of labor, even though the anticipation is so exciting! Your baby will give you signs when they are ready to be born. Call your healthcare provider when you think labor is beginning so they can confirm. The moment you meet your baby face-to-face is almost here after 40 amazing weeks of pregnancy. Get ready to fall in love!




#Pregnancy #Pregnancy calendar #Baby development during pregnancy #Preparing for birth

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