Text To Ascii Converter

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What is ASCII?

ASCII is a widely used character encoding system. It represents text in computers and electronic devices. It was made in the 1960s as a standard way to encode characters. This was for communication and data exchange.

ASCII uses a 7-bit encoding system to represent a total of 128 characters. These characters include the English alphabet. It has both upper and lower case. It also has digits from 0 to 9, punctuation marks, special symbols, and control characters. The first 32 ASCII codes (0-31) are for control characters. They include line feed, carriage return, and tab. These characters have specific functions and do not represent visible characters.

Each ASCII character receives a unique numeric value between 0 and 127. For example, the uppercase letter 'A' is ASCII 65. The lowercase 'a' is 97, the digit '0' is 48, and so on. This standardised mapping allows computers and devices to read and interpret text. ASCII encoding forms the basis.

Most computer systems, programming languages, and communication protocols widely use and support ASCII. It gives a common basis for showing text. This lets different systems to exchange and understand text data well.

However, ASCII has limits. It struggles to represent characters from non-English languages, symbols, and complex scripts. To overcome these limits, people made extended character encoding standards. Examples include Unicode. They support a wider range of characters from many languages and scripts. Click here to convert text to Unicode.

ASCII History

The history of ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) dates back to the early days of computing. There was a need for a standard character encoding system. Here is an overview of the major milestones in the history of ASCII:

Antecedents: Before ASCII, people used several encoding systems. These included the Baudot code for telegraphs and the EBCDIC for IBM computers. These codes were for specific devices or makers. They caused problems when data was exchanged between different systems.

Development: The development of ASCII began in the 1960s through the efforts of a committee led by Robert W. Bemer. The aim was to make a standard character encoding system. It would be accepted everywhere and help exchange data between computers.

ASCII version 1: In 1963, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) published the first version of ASCII. It was known as ASCII-63. It was a 7-bit encoding scheme. It allowed 128 characters. These include control characters, upper and lower case letters, digits, and symbols. ASCII-63 became a de facto standard in the emerging computer industry.

ASCII Version 2 : In 1967, an updated version called ASCII-67 was released, making some minor changes and adding some new characters. ASCII-67 became the basis for later ASCII standards.

Standardisation : The ASCII standard was officially adopted as a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) in 1968 by the US government. This further solidified its acceptance and use in computer systems.

ASCII Version 3 : In 1986, the ASCII standard was revised and updated, resulting in ASCII-86 or ASCII Version 3. This version added characters and changed existing ones. But, it stayed backward compatible.

Legacy and global adoption: ASCII quickly became widely adopted. It was the standard character encoding for early computers and communication protocols. Its simplicity and compatibility made it popular around the world.

Extension and evolution: ASCII was made for English and simple symbols. But, it showed its limits when dealing with non-English languages and complex scripts. To fix these limits, new character encoding standards, like Unicode, were developed. They support a much wider range of characters and scripts.

ASCII has been largely replaced by better encodings. But, it played a key role in the early days of computing. And, it laid the foundation for standard character encoding. Its influence can still be seen in many legacy systems and protocols. Its ideas and principles are still relevant in modern computing.

ASCII and Telegraph

ASCII and the telegraph are connected. Older telegraph codes influenced ASCII. This relationship helped transition from telegraph to computer communications. Here’s how:

  • Telegraph Codes: Before ASCII, telegraph systems used codes like the Baudot code. It's a 5-bit system developed by Émile Baudot in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for telegraphy.
  • Development of ASCII: In the 1960s, Robert W. Bemer and his committee created ASCII. They drew inspiration from telegraph codes like Baudot's. They wanted to create a standard character encoding system. It would work with existing teleprinters. The goal was to improve data exchange between different computer systems.
  • Compatibility with Teleprinters: ASCII was designed to be compatible with teleprinters. They'd already in use. This ensured a smooth shift from telegraphy to computer communications. ASCII-encoded data could be sent and received using teleprinters.
  • Common Character Set: ASCII included characters from telegraph codes. It had control characters, letters, digits, and symbols. This common set enabled information exchange between telegraph-based and early computer systems.
  • Telecommunications: ASCII’s adoption was crucial for developing computer-based telecommunications networks. It could be sent and received in ASCII. This formed the basis for early Internet protocols, like TCP/IP.

Telegraph codes influenced ASCII, and designers made it compatible with teleprinters. It played a key role in the transition from telegraphy to computer communications. It provided a standard character encoding system. This system made it easier to swap data. It connected telegraph and early computer systems.

ASCII Design

The design of ASCII was based on key principles. It aimed to create a universal system for encoding characters in computing. Here are the main points:

  • 7-Bit Encoding: ASCII uses a 7-bit encoding scheme, allowing for 128 unique characters. This strikes a balance between the number of characters and simplicity.
  • Character Set: ASCII includes control characters. It has uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and punctuation. It also has a few special symbols. This set meets the basic English language and computing needs.
  • Backward Compatibility: ASCII was made to work with teleprinter systems. These systems used the Baudot code. ASCII made it easier to move from telegraphy to computer communication.
  • Simplicity and Universality: ASCII aimed for simplicity to ensure easy adoption. The character set focused on common English text. It also covered computing operations. This made it easy to use on early computers.
  • Standardization: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standardized ASCII. It was then adopted as a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). This ensured consistency across different systems and devices.
  • Compatibility with computer systems: ASCII was designed to work well with early computers and programming languages. It is easy to process and manipulate ASCII text.
  • Control characters: ASCII includes control characters. They are for functions like line feed, carriage return, and tab. They help with formatting and controlling devices, such as printers and terminals.

ASCII provided a standard and widely used system for early computer communication. Its simplicity and compatibility made it key in computing history. It led to later character encoding standards, such as Unicode.


An ASCII table is a reference chart that displays the ASCII characters alongside their decimal, hexadecimal, and binary representations. Here is a simplified ASCII table:


| ASCII | Character  | Decimal | Hex   |


|   0   | NUL (Null) |   0     |  00   |

|   1   | SOH (Start of Header) |  1 |  01   |

|   2   | STX (Start of Text) |  2   |  02   |

|  ...  |    ...     |   ...   |  ...  |

|  32   |   (Space)  |   32    |  20   |

|  48   |      0     |   48    |  30   |

|  65   |      A     |   65    |  41   |

|  97   |      a     |   97    |  61   |

|  ...  |    ...     |   ...   |  ...  |


ASCII Art Examples

( o.o )                                                  
 > ^ <


 [ o o ]
 /  "  \
  \ - /

                  _ _

  \ ______/   V` - ,
   }                   /~~
  /_)^   - -,r'
 |b      |b



   /   o      o     \\
  ( ==   ^   ==     )
   )                      (
  (                         )
 (   (    )          (   )  )


ASCII Character Order

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) arranges its characters in a set order. Each character has a unique number. Here’s a simple breakdown:

Control Characters: The first 32 characters (numbers 0 to 31) are control characters. They aren't visible on the screen. But, they perform special tasks. They start a new line (Line Feed), return the cursor to the start of a line (Carriage Return), and more.

Printable Characters: After the control characters, we have printable characters. These start from number 32 (the space character) and go up to 126 (the tilde '~'). This range includes:

    • Uppercase Letters: A to Z
    • Lowercase Letters: a to z
    • Digits: 0 to 9
    • Punctuation Marks: Like period (.), comma (,), and question mark (?)
    • Special Symbols: Like the dollar sign ($) and the at symbol (@)

Extended ASCII Characters: Some versions of ASCII include extra characters beyond the standard 128. These can be special symbols. They include accented letters and other characters for different languages. The exact characters depend on the specific version of extended ASCII being used.

ASCII character order is based on their numeric values, starting from 0 and ending at 127 for standard ASCII. This order is important for tasks like sorting and comparing text in computers.

In short, ASCII organizes characters in a numerical order. It goes from control characters to printable symbols. This makes it a key system for handling text in computing.

ASCII used in computing and communications

ASCII, or the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is widely used. It's used in many areas of computing and communications. Here are some key areas where ASCII is commonly used:

Character encoding: ASCII is a basic standard for representing text in computers and electronic devices. It maps characters to numbers. This lets computers process, store, and send text reliably.

Programming languages: ASCII is essential for programming languages. It defines the character set and encoding used in source code. This allows developers to write programs using ASCII. ASCII values are used for character manipulation, string operations, and input/output tasks.

Communication protocols: ASCII is used in communication protocols. This was especially true for early Internet protocols like Telnet and FTP. They used it to send commands, text, and responses between client and server.

File formats: Many file formats are based on ASCII. These formats include plain text, configuration, log, and source code files. ASCII-based file formats ensure compatibility and interoperability between different systems and software.

Command line interfaces (CLI): ASCII characters are used a lot in command line input, options, and output. They let us interact with the operating system and do tasks.

Data storage and retrieval: ASCII is used to store and retrieve text data in databases, file systems and other storage media. ASCII-encoded text is easy to read, edit, and search. Many apps and tools can do this.

Human-machine interface: ASCII characters are used in user interfaces, menus, and prompts. They also appear in error messages. They make text readable and clear to users interacting with software and machines.

Legacy systems: Many older systems, devices, and protocols still use ASCII. They do so for historical and backward-compatibility reasons.

ASCII characters are widely used. But, they have limits in representing non-English languages and complex scripts. This led to the development of Unicode. It offers more characters and supports many languages. It has largely replaced ASCII in modern computing.

ASCII Variants and Derivatives

Over time, many variants and derivatives of ASCII have been made. They were made to meet different needs. Here are some important examples:

Extended ASCII: This extends the original 7-bit ASCII to 8 bits, allowing 256 characters instead of 128. It includes additional characters for specific languages or regions. Examples include the ISO-8859 series, Windows-1252 and IBM Extended ASCII.

ISO-8859: The ISO developed this series. It includes extended ASCII encodings for specific languages or language groups. For example, ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) is used for Western European languages. ISO-8859-5 supports Cyrillic scripts.

Windows 1252: Also known as CP1252, this encoding is used in Microsoft Windows and is an extension of ISO-8859-1. It includes extra characters. These include smart quotes, currency symbols, and accented characters. They are mainly for Western European languages.

UTF-8: This is part of the Unicode standard and is compatible with ASCII. UTF-8 uses one byte for ASCII characters, making it backward compatible, but can use up to four bytes to represent any Unicode character. This allows for many more characters. They come from different languages and scripts.

UTF-16: Another Unicode encoding is UTF-16. It uses either 2 or 4 bytes to represent characters. This allows for the full Unicode character set, including ASCII. It's often used where characters outside the ASCII range are common.

Some protocols define control codes that work with ASCII. They include the C0 and C1 control codes in the ISO/IEC 2022 standard. They provide extra functions. They go beyond the original ASCII control characters. They are for device control and character set switching.

These variants and derivatives extend the character set. They keep compatibility with the original ASCII. They support different languages, scripts, and communication needs in computing.

ASCII Text Conversion

ASCII text conversion is the process of converting text from ASCII to another format or from ASCII to another encoding. Or, it is the reverse. Here are some common types of ASCII text conversions:

ASCII to Unicode: Convert ASCII text to Unicode using schemes such as UTF-8 or UTF-16. Unicode can handle a much wider range of characters from different languages.

Unicode to ASCII: Replace non-ASCII characters with ASCII substitutions or remove them. You can also use encoding-specific methods, like ASCII-compatible transliteration.

ASCII to binary: Convert ASCII text to binary. Do this by converting each ASCII character to its decimal value, and then to its binary form.

Binary to ASCII: It converts binary data to ASCII. It does this by grouping binary digits into sets of 8 (a byte). Then, it converts each byte to its matching ASCII character.

ASCII to Hexadecimal: Convert ASCII text to hexadecimal. Do this by converting each ASCII character to its decimal value and then to its hexadecimal form.

Hexadecimal to ASCII: Convert hexadecimal data to ASCII text. Do this by converting each pair of hexadecimal digits to its ASCII character.

ASCII to HTML entities: Replace special ASCII characters with their HTML entity equivalents. For example, the less-than symbol '<' becomes '<' and the ampersand '&' becomes '&'.

The conversions depend on your needs. They also depend on the tools or languages you use. Each method ensures that text is formatted appropriately for different applications and systems.

Why Use an ASCII Converter?

There are several reasons why you might need to convert text to ASCII:

  • Data Storage: ASCII text files are plain and can be read by virtually any application, making them ideal for storing simple text data.
  • Web Development: Programmers often use ASCII codes in web development. They use them to make ASCII art or to add special characters to web pages.
  • Programming: Developers use ASCII values for various functions in coding and debugging.
  • Education: Studying ASCII codes can be fun. It's an educational exercise for computer science students.

How to Use Our Online ASCII Converter

Using our ASCII converter at calculatorax.com is straightforward and efficient.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Visit the Tool: Navigate to the Text to ASCII Converter on our website.

Input Your Text: In the 'Input Text' box, type or paste the text you want to convert. The text can be anything from a simple sentence to a complex string of characters.

Convert to ASCII: Once you enter your text, the tool processes it and shows the ASCII codes in the 'Output Text' box.

Copy or Clear:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Use the 'Copy to Clipboard' button to easily copy the ASCII text to your clipboard, ready to be pasted wherever you need it.
  • Clear: If you want to start over, simply click the 'Clear' button to reset both the input and output fields.

Features and Benefits

User-Friendly Interface: Our tool is designed with simplicity in mind. The clean layout ensures that even first-time users can navigate and use the converter without any hassle.

Instant Conversion: As soon as you input your text, it is converted to ASCII in real-time. This ensures you get the results without any delays.

No Installation Required: Our ASCII converter is web-based. You don’t need to download or install any software. Simply visit our site and start converting.

Free to Use: This tool is completely free, providing high-quality text conversion at no cost.

It is key for your digital toolkit. It's for students, professionals, or anyone curious about text encoding. With its easy-to-use interface and instant results, converting text to ASCII has never been simpler. Visit calculatorax.com today and explore the endless possibilities of text transformation!



#ASCII encoding #Unicode conversion #character sets #text encoding #ASCII table

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