Lch To Yxy

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Understanding LCH and Yxy Color Spaces

What Is the LCH Color Space and How Does It Compare to Yxy?

The LCH color space is based on the CIELAB color system. It focuses on human vision. LCH stands for Lightness, Chroma, and Hue. Lightness is the brightness of a color. Chroma is the color's intensity. Hue is the angle of the color on a 360-degree wheel. This system is great for color manipulation and communication. It matches how humans see color differences.

In contrast, the Yxy color space comes from the CIE XYZ model. It focuses on chromaticity and luminance. Y is the luminance of the color. x and y are chromaticity coordinates. They specify the proportion of color in a two-dimensional space. This model is helpful in defining how a color looks in relation to white light.

The main difference between LCH and Yxy lies in their approach and usage. LCH is better suited for tasks with color and aesthetics. These tasks include digital art and design projects. LCH is better because it mimics human perception. Yxy is useful for technical applications. They need precise adjustments based on light properties. Examples include lighting design and color calibration in manufacturing.

What Are the Uses of LCH and Yxy?

Uses of LCH:

  1. Digital Design and Art: Artists and designers often use LCH to pick and adjust colors naturally. This helps in making attractive designs.
  2. Color Matching: LCH is great for color matching. It's used in industries like printing and textiles. Precision in color reproduction is crucial in these industries.
  3. Quality Control: In any manufacturing process that requires consistent color, LCH is used. It ensures that each product meets the specified color standards.

Uses of Yxy:

  1. Lighting Design: Yxy is widely used in lighting design. It ensures that lighting fixtures make colors that fit the environments. They must fit both in terms of looks and function.
  2. Color Calibration: In color-sensitive industries, such as monitor manufacturing, accurate color is critical. Yxy helps calibrate devices to show colors accurately.
  3. Research and Development: Yxy is also useful in science. It's key in studies of human vision and color.

Both LCH and Yxy color spaces are important in various industries. They are tailored to the unique demands of color management and application. Professionals who understand these color spaces have the tools to improve their projects. They can make them more accurate, beautiful, and functional. This leads to better products and experiences.

Why Might a Designer or Colorist Choose to Convert Colors from LCH to Yxy?

Designers and colorists often need to convert LCH colors to Yxy. They do this for several important reasons. This is especially true when precision and specific lighting are involved. LCH is great for intuitive design. It looks good because it aligns with human color perception. But, it may not be best for technical scenarios that need exact chromaticity.

For instance, in tasks like lighting design, the Yxy color space focuses on brightness and color. This focus makes it more suitable. Here, designers can use Yxy. It ensures that lighting renders colors accurately. It does so in relation to how they will appear under specific lighting. Furthermore, Yxy offers a framework for color calibration across devices. It helps maintain color consistency. This is crucial for device makers. They need to ensure that all outputs match, despite different displays.

What Are the Common Challenges and Solutions for Converting from LCH to Yxy?


  1. Complex Mathematical Transformations: Converting from LCH to Yxy involves many math steps. They can be complex. This includes converting LCH to its parent CIELAB, then from CIELAB to XYZ before reaching Yxy. Each of these steps needs precise calculations and adjustments.
  2. Maintaining Color Accuracy: These color spaces handle color data differently. Converting between them can be hard to keep accurate. Misalignment in any step can cause color shifts. They are a big problem in fields that need high fidelity in color.


  1. Use of Specialized Software and Tools: Using software tools can handle these conversions automatically. They can reduce the risks of human error. These tools are meant to handle the exact math in moving between the color spaces.
  2. Standardizing White Points and Lighting Conditions: Both LCH and Yxy are sensitive to light. Using consistent white points. Standardizing the lighting helps keep things accurate and consistent.
  3. Continuous Verification and Calibration: Regularly check the results of color conversions. Use calibration with known standards. This practice can help in maintaining accuracy. Implementing a routine check can detect any deviations early and correct them before they affect the final outputs.

Professionals can handle LCH to Yxy color conversions well. They just need to understand these challenges and use the right solutions. This ensures their projects meet specs and keep high-quality color consistency. Adding these practices to the workflow allows for a smoother transition. It bridges design and technical work, ensuring both beauty and precision in color management.

How to Convert Red Colour from LCH to Yxy Step by Step

Converting a color from LCH to Yxy involves many steps. It mainly requires a transformation through the CIE XYZ color space. Here’s a step-by-step guide to convert the color red, typically represented in LCH as (53, 104, 40), to the Yxy colour space.

Step 1: Convert LCH to Lab

First, you need to convert LCH values to Lab (Lightness, a, b). The conversion formulas are:

L = L (from LCH)

a = C * cos(H degrees)

b = C * sin(H degrees)

For the red color LCH(53, 104, 40):

L = 53

a = 104 * cos(40) ≈ 79.56

b = 104 * sin(40) ≈ 66.80

Step 2: Convert Lab to XYZ

To convert from Lab to XYZ, you need the reference white point, which is typically D65 for most applications. The formulas are:




Convert Y, X, and Z using the formulas:




Using the white point D65, which has XYZ coordinates (95.047, 100.000, 108.883), compute:




Step 3: Convert XYZ to Yxy

Finally, convert the XYZ values to Yxy. The Yxy is calculated as:

𝑌=𝑌Y=Y (the same Y from XYZ)



Plug in the values:



Final Yxy for Red:

Yxy = (59.50, 0.451, 0.374)

The conversions seem complex. But, they ensure precise color changes. They go from LCH to Lab to XYZ to Yxy. They keep color fidelity and integrity across different color spaces.

Color Conversion Table: From LCH to CIELab, XYZ, and Yxy Values for Popular Colors

Color Name LCH Values CIELab Values XYZ Values Yxy Values
  Red L: 53
C: 104
H: 40
L: 53
a: 79.56
b: 66.80
X: 41.24
Y: 21.26
Z: 1.93
Y: 21.26
x: 0.632
y: 0.330
  Blue L: 32
C: 133
H: 301
L: 32
a: -48.29
b: -83.40
X: 18.10
Y: 7.22
Z: 95.05
Y: 7.22
x: 0.147
y: 0.063
  Green L: 88
C: 120
H: 136
L: 88
a: -79.19
b: 80.99
X: 35.76
Y: 71.52
Z: 11.92
Y: 71.52
x: 0.300
y: 0.600
  Yellow L: 97
C: 96
H: 102
L: 97
a: -21.55
b: 94.48
X: 77.00
Y: 92.78
Z: 13.85
Y: 92.78
x: 0.406
y: 0.490
  Orange L: 75
C: 106
H: 39
L: 75
a: 63.05
b: 70.47
X: 54.29
Y: 39.70
Z: 3.93
Y: 39.70
x: 0.543
y: 0.396
  Purple L: 45
C: 100
H: 304
L: 45
a: 60.67
b: -77.71
X: 25.59
Y: 12.10
Z: 43.44
Y: 12.10
x: 0.278
y: 0.132
  Pink L: 74
C: 25
H: 350
L: 74
a: 23.91
b: 3.98
X: 63.41
Y: 51.68
Z: 55.85
Y: 51.68
x: 0.368
y: 0.300
  Black L: 0
C: 0
H: 0
L: 0
a: 0
b: 0
X: 0
Y: 0
Z: 0
Y: 0
x: 0
y: 0
  White L: 100
C: 0
H: 0
L: 100
a: 0
b: 0
X: 95.05
Y: 100.00
Z: 108.90
Y: 100.00
x: 0.313
y: 0.329
  Gray L: 53
C: 0
H: 0
L: 53
a: 0
b: 0
X: 47.53
Y: 50.00
Z: 54.45
Y: 50.00
x: 0.313
y: 0.329
  Cyan L: 91
C: 50
H: 191
L: 91
a: -48.98
b: -14.14
X: 47.64
Y: 74.93
Z: 106.70
Y: 74.93
x: 0.217
y: 0.342
  Magenta L: 60
C: 115
H: 328
L: 60
a: 74.25
b: -44.64
X: 53.24
Y: 26.43
Z: 64.06
Y: 26.43
x: 0.364
y: 0.181
  Lime L: 88
C: 119
H: 105
L: 88
a: -76.84
b: 80.45
X: 61.92
Y: 97.30
Z: 17.72
Y: 97.30
x: 0.330
y: 0.520
  Maroon L: 30
C: 60
H: 40
L: 30
a: 58.94
b: 31.06
X: 20.97
Y: 10.65
Z: 1.49
Y: 10.65
x: 0.598
y: 0.303
  Olive L: 60
C: 50
H: 90
L: 60
a: -25.45
b: 49.70
X: 23.30
Y: 28.84
Z: 4.32
Y: 28.84
x: 0.354
y: 0.438
  Navy L: 20
C: 80
H: 255
L: 20
a: 29.63
b: -77.04
X: 5.92
Y: 2.39
Z: 36.10
Y: 2.39
x: 0.115
y: 0.047
  Teal L: 65
C: 50
H: 180
L: 65
a: -24.49
b: -25.37
X: 26.91
Y: 36.95
Z: 44.23
Y: 36.95
x: 0.255
y: 0.350
  Silver L: 77
C: 0
H: 0
L: 77
a: 0
b: 0
X: 62.77
Y: 66.10
Z: 71.99
Y: 66.10
x: 0.313
y: 0.329
  Aqua L: 91
C: 40
H: 180
L: 91
a: -19.76
b: -28.92
X: 54.12
Y: 80.97
Z: 106.71
Y: 80.97
x: 0.234
y: 0.350
  Cream L: 95
C: 20
H: 97
L: 95
a: -12.59
b: 17.96
X: 88.35
Y: 93.33
Z: 79.19
Y: 93.33
x: 0.359
y: 0.380
  Charcoal L: 30
C: 0
H: 0
L: 30
a: 0
b: 0
X: 11.44
Y: 12.05
Z: 13.12
Y: 12.05
x: 0.313
y: 0.329
  Indigo L: 30
C: 70
H: 275
L: 30
a: 25.12
b: -62.37
X: 8.14
Y: 3.28
Z: 36.02
Y: 3.28
x: 0.163
y: 0.065
  Violet L: 50
C: 90
H: 302
L: 50
a: 60.76
b: -69.03
X: 27.49
Y: 13.52
Z: 58.34
Y: 13.52
x: 0.280
y: 0.138
  Gold L: 78
C: 50
H: 97
L: 78
a: -8.94
b: 48.26
X: 54.70
Y: 50.27
Z: 8.25
Y: 50.27
x: 0.427
y: 0.393
  Bronze L: 55
C: 60
H: 42
L: 55
a: 58.94
b: 31.06
X: 36.54
Y: 23.10
Z: 3.62
Y: 23.10
x: 0.521
y: 0.329

#LCH to Yxy conversion #color space comparison #digital color calibration #chromaticity coordinates

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